Sunday, December 14, 2008

Sharing the Season!

I love Christmas time and all the traditional songs, decorated houses, smells of baking goodies in the oven, etc. But I really got a kick out of watching Carter enjoy the Christmas season in Park City last night.
Last night, Jared and Julie invited us to go to "The Snowed Inn" in Park City. We were thrilled when Julie said Carter was coming! Carter was bundled up so much he could hardly walk. Harold got us to Park City safe and sound, even during the snow storm. We hopped on a horse drawn sleigh, cuddled under blankets and headed up the mountain. Brrrrrrrrr!

When we arrived, Cowboys greeted us with hot cider and hot chocolate! Carter ate more than his share of marshmallows. I loved the hot chocolate kisses I received from Carter all night! Carter really liked saying "cheers" with his hot cider!

The music and food was fabulous! I think Carter even got Grandpa dancing! Julie and Jared were so thoughtful to share this evening with us!

Thanks Julie & Jared!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Company Christmas Party - We clean up well!

Why didn't I take a closer picture of Josh? Jamie & Kenny - He wants to mess up my Christmas tree!
Jordan & Sabina - Sabina in her "little" black dress
Harold & Karen - yet another Barney top!
Jared & Julie looking FAB!Jake & Aubrey late as usual! LOL