Sunday, December 13, 2009


I was lucky enough to spend some time at Walgreen's the morning. They have the widest range of products I've ever seen! They have everything from college sportswear to Chia Pet Unbelievable! I ran into a book on "Momisms." Simple explanations for the things your Mom (and yes there was a Dadism book) would say to you. Here are a few:

"It's just as easy to marry a rich girl than a poor girl."

The explanation cracked me up! This is something Harold says to the boys all the time.
Explanation: Dads have been saying this from the beginning of time. Your Dad didn't marry rich, his Dad didn't marry rich and now he is passing the dream to his sons!

"I can't wait for you to have kids of your own."

Explanation: I can't think of a smart thing to say right now, but I know someday, somehow, you will get what's coming to you!

Haha! I hope my kids read this!

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