Thursday, November 8, 2012


Everyone knows I'm a a Democrat. I believe in Democratic values and equality for everyone.  I've been in corporate America and I've seen men get paid more for doing the same job a woman did.  In Utah it's even worse. I can go to meetings in Utah County and the men don't even acknowledge I'm Harold's partner -  they assume he just brought his wife out to lunch.

Our country was created to separate church and state for a reason. Everyone should have the same opportunities, and the same rights under the law. We all  have the freedom to practice religion how we choose, join the church of our choice, or be as religious as we want to be. We shouldn't want to vote in a President who will push any religious belief over another.  A President job is to represent all people.

Since Mitt Romney lost, I've seen so many LDS people comment about "the last days" and "God testing the righteous."  What if, it was God's will that the best man for the job was Obama? What if God wanted all people to have equality?  What if God was tired of all the lies in politics and wasn't involved at all? Just because the nominee was Mormon, doesn't mean he was ordained by God to do the job. The world is not going to end any time soon.  Our children and grandchildren will have the same opportunities and happiness that we enjoy.

If politics interests you, don't get your information from paid AM radio hosts, who are paid to create controversy and scare you into voting for their party.  Get information from all the candidates, read news articles, listen to the news, but use common sense. "Death Panels, trickle down government, Obamacare were all created to demonize the other party.

I didn't write this post to offend anyone.  I respect that my family believe in a different religion.  Just look at politics from a different perspective.


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