Easter also has a non religous side. During the second century, Easter was originally a pagan festival. The ancient saxons celebrated this holiday for their Goddess of Offspring and Springtime, Eastre. When the christians noticed many tribes were worshipping Eastre, they attempted to change their faith to christianity. The christians slowly, but surely, spread their faith but allowed the tribes to celebrate pagan feasts, Eastre occured at the same time as Christ's Resurrection. Over time, Eastre was converted to a christian celebration and named Easter.
Spring was a very important time for ancient cultures, and it has been honoured and celebrated throughout many cultures, often with the central idea of a deity dying and being reborn. Throughout Asia and Europe festivals have been held for many thousands of years, with myths of regeneration and magical ceremonies in order to herald abundant summer crops. Literary evidence shows these celebrations have existed as long as 15,000 years ago in Neolithic times.
I apologize for stating my sources. If you do a google search, I'm sure you'll find the same article. No matter what your beliefs are, I hope you all have a wonderful Easter!
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