Sunday, September 13, 2009

Cumadin Is Evil And Must Be Destroyed!

Yesterday, Harold got a nose bleed at 8:30 AM. Because he is on Cumadin for his new hardware, he couldn't stop his nose bleed. Off we went to the big house (aka IHC). After running some tests, we found out he was 5x more likely to bleed and basically had no clotting factors in his blood, which explains the huge bruise on half his leg. We also found out his artery had an aneurysm (big bulge causing lots of pain). Thank God for huge needles and an ultra sound tech! Needless to say, he gets 2 nights in the hotel IHC, plasma, a big balloon up his nose, morphine and gourmet food for 2 nights. Some guys have all the fun!

I'd like to ask the patient next door to please leave his ventilator in. It's not nice to try to die, when so many people are trying to get healthy.


hannie bailey said...

Karen! I knew it! When I asked you the other day about his blood thinners it made me nervous! I have heard so many scary stories about cumadin! Ahh! I am glad to know he is being monitered and watched over, it can be so worrisome! Have fun in "Hotel IHC", too bad it isn't "Hotel California"! Let me know if we can send up the bartenders! We will be on our way! In the meanwhile, all our good thoughts and energies are being sent his way! Get well soon Harlod!!!

Karen T said...

Hannie, you are so cute! Two awesome bartenders would have been a riot! If he stays another night, I'll need a flask!

Funny, just like on an Alaskan cruise, the treadmills on the 4th floor are available!