Saturday, September 24, 2011

An Apple A Day Keeps The Doctor Away!

September has been a month of medical issues for us.  We finally tracked down (and fixed) Harold's back problem, we got his heart back in rhythm, only to have my Mother suffer from a mini stroke.

If you want a wake up call, I'd imagine a mini stroke would do it!  Mom was at a political luncheon when suddenly she felt dizzy and couldn't move her arm.  Instead of calling 911, she drove home and spent hours trying to reach a doctor.  When she finally was told to go to the hospital...she did.

My Mom has always had good health.  This was the first time I even thought about life without her.  My Mom is so much like her Mother, Eva.  She fills her day running around town, helping anyone she can.  She's also like her Dad and is very health conscious.

So when I got a minute to reflect over the past month, I became very thankful for Harold and my Mother.  These two people work harder on their health then anyone I know, and they were the unfortunate ones to suffer this month.  I will never take good health for granted anymore.  I've jumped on the low cholesterol, low fat, low sugar, band wagon.


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