I'm sick and tired of the corruption that goes on every day in politics. Last night the news reported about Herriman City, and the building that took place without any bids. The disheartening fact is that we all think it's bad, but we'll do nothing to stop it. We will sit in our comfortable homes, drink a cold beverage and say "That's so wrong!" We don't bother going to the city council meetings to make officials more accountable. Check out the article below!
Who is this "we" you are referring to? ;)
"Get involved - the world is run by those who show up."
Ha-ha- I almost wrote "People like Kenny keep the government, and his mother, on their toes!"
How do we find out about things like this? I need to go to my city and have a "come to Jesus" about the roads here. For the love people....we don't need cool buildings we need smooth roads!!
*sorry i'll save my anger for city council meetings.*
Goooo Julie! I can hear that tiny scream from here!
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